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Workshop 1:

Half Day workshop: Voice and Speech Quality Workshop

Saturday: 6th February 2016

8:30pm – 12:00pm

Improve the quality and clarity of your voice with this half day workshop facilitated by a IE Group specialist:


Anne Karpf said “ every day, in countless ways we employ sublime skills of which we are manly faintly, fleetingly conscious. Throughout our lives we make decisions often unwittingly, on the basis of the sound of a person’s voice: lovers as well as political candidates get selected for vocal reasons… the voice lies at the heart of what it is to be human”


Our voice is one of the most powerful yet underutilized tools we have as human beings. Every day we use our voices to sell ideas, to manage conflict and to present ourselves as confident and professional. Imagine how different your personal brand would be if you simply applied the tools to make your voice great. Rich, powerful and persuasive voices are crafted through dedication to self-improvement and made magic with a small amount of “know-how”.


This workshop will offer the tools to assist you in optimizing your voice and speech. This in essence will create a cohesion between professional and assertive; powerful and persuasive.

We will explore the following:


  • Body alignment and relaxation techniques
  • Voice Warm ups
  • Projection techniques
  • Modulation techniques
  • Strategic communication
  • Diplomatic Language use


As we have seen a peak in interest, we have added a practical exponent which will explore Voice over work for product placement/sales; these techniques are often used in voice over work.


For cost enquiries and bookings please contact

Please RSVP and confirm payment by Monday the 25th of January. Space is limited to 15 people.

*includes a workbook and snacks